Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hammer of Truth � The Best Drug War Roundup I�ve Ever Seen: "i would like to thank you for posting my letter(coment #2)i have recieved at least 15 e-mails since it was posted last night,some feel that they were out of line for e-m�ing mebecause they don�t know me.for the record I am not ofended.Actulay i am glad to hear from anyone (pro or con)about my situation.thanks to your website & norml,texans for medical marijuana,asa and others i may have forgoten.I can only hope that more people in texas step up and speak up for med.marijuana in texas.The best advice i have had so far is �move to Ca.�(Glen & bev)I hope they don�t mind me mentioning their names.It sounds like a good idea but if i did move who would be here to keep trying to get texans the right to their much needed medicine.(which is much easier on the human than most of the meds.that some Dr.�s think i should take instead.Thanks again,always,Larry Beeson. "
Marinol - the Legal Medical Use for the Marijuana Plant
Eagle-Tribune Online